Friday, December 08, 2006

They called it Wii

The latest computer games system, the Nintendo Wii.
For those of you that don't get the joke, going for a wee is going to the toilet, or in Scotland, being small.
They missed a trick though. You control the on screen character by waving a "wand" around. Where is the Star Wars game? All together now "Hmmmmmmm-Wooosh. You're not my father!"
Sry, been an odd sort of day. My ipod is playing dead - apparently it's "sad" - after a random drinking night on Monday in the mess and the work conversation has just been on interactions in cars. My car has a screen that displays "hello happy" when you turn the engine on and "see you - good by" (sic) when you turn it off. So we were discussing cars that talk to you and I was remembering a joke about a SatNav voice program that gave instructions along the lines of "I meant the left we just passed" or "No! MY right!" I was wondering if such a program actually exists and if so why. You could of course program it to say "I think you should stop and ask for directions." but I'm guessing it wouldn't be very popular.

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