Friday, February 02, 2007

I was wrong

No matter how you look at it, 700 miles (well, 735 but who's counting) is a long way to drive. I had to stop just by the boarder to have a bit of a kip as I'd moved into the flat on Friday. Which meant I didn't get out of Lossie until almost 4 in the afternoon. I got to my parent's at just around 1. In the morning.
Looking at it, England isn't that big a country really. You're never more than 100 miles away from beautiful countryside and the transport infrastructure is good, if sometimes slow and unreliable, and if using the trains, expensive.
Well, the sun's out in Newquay, a little later than I'd thought it would be. Okay, 9 hours later than I thought it would be but that's not that bad...
No seriously, the front stalled, I'm not making excuses.
Been writing an advanced driving thingy over at the student room, if it doesn't get deleted I'll post a link to it. (hint, it's in the "motoring" section under a title of "advanced driving")

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