Either today or tomorrow my parents should be getting connected to broadband. We've been working at getting them to do this for a while and they've finally decided it might be worth while. Principally for mum's studies, but I think they're going to find some of the wondrous things online. Thing is, I'm pretty sure that my long list of webcomics and blogs won't be exactly what my parents are looking for, so I'm going to list a few sites I visit lots or find useful and if anyone else can think of some sites that might interest people a of a slightly older persuasion that are interested in theology, search and rescue (dad's getting more and more involved with the Severn Area Rescue Association), or things like that; please stick the tube addresses in the comments.
So here are a few I think my parents will like/use:
The BBC news site.
The Met Office site (OK, obvious, but should be improved soon).
My Flickr photo page.
Bad Science - Ben Goldacre's excellent blog.
The ever marvellous Snopes.
The AA (useful for route planning).
Google - obvious but still good, and I think mum may find this search useful.
For dad, a Facebook link for SARA.
Some lovely Satellite images from NOAA.
Some bits about the Archbishop of Canterbury.
I couldn't find an address for the theological college but I think mum already has the link for that one.
Of course there's more and I think they should have a list of their own bookmards, but using dial up I don't think they will have found the wonders of the net just yet. So if any of you can think of other sites like these that might be of interest, please drop the links! Cheers all.
**edited to add**
By the way, one week in and I've kept off all booze and got in some exercise each day. This weekend will be the first big test though...
So, Baby is still not here, and is not giving any indication of arriving
soon, despite being 11 days late.
We are booked into the hospital on Wednesday to ...
14 years ago
1 comment:
Just came across this list of the things that EVERYBODY has seen on the internet. Good thing to stop them from sending people links to things that have been around FOREVER ;)
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