Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Another armpit of the night entry

Seems to be that the only time I can get online to blog is during a night shift. Ah well, ce la vie.

During a night shift I'm supposed to get some sleep, legally I'm required to take a break (during the day shifts we can sign off the break but we're not allowed to do that at night). As I'm still getting to grips with the forecasting I've decided that it'll be best to ensure that all the stuff I need to do is done and if I've got time I'll get some kip but as I've got 24 hours between shifts after a night shift (unless I'm on a double night of course) getting some extended sleep is not a challenge.
So, this shift it's not looking too difficult (more than usual anyway) so I'm doing the usual thing of getting the work done early and sticking something interesting on the TV. At the moment I've got the first series of "Spaced" on, although I might stick the radio on later. Such is life.

The most routine thing I have to do is that every hour I pop out and do an observation. It's a great night for it tonight, clear, cool, light winds. Saw a shooting star earlier. There's thunderstorm off the Pembroke coast and another about 50 miles north of the Outer Hebrides but that's about it except for the wind. There's a gradient wind (about 2000 ft) of 50 odd knots but the surface is about 6-15 knots.
As you can tell it's quiet and I'm bored. Which is GREAT!!! Being bored is wonderful. Means nowt is happening and no dangerous weather problems are happening.

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