Sunday, May 18, 2008

100 posts in and what's changed?

I was hoping that I'd have some earth shattering news for the 100th post but just now I realised that wouldn't be true to the rest of this blag.
I'm writing this at midnight, on a night shift (already got pretty much everything done for tomorrow...) and outside to the south the clouds are backlit by the almost full moon, to the north the sky still holds the afterglow of sunset; this time of year it doesn't fully go down. While I was outside taking the hourly observation the air conditioning unit shut off and all I could hear was the low susurrus of the waves on the beach to the north and the lonely cry of a gull overhead.
Just now a shower has run through, a light one, but enough for the air to take on that smell of sharp, almost green, cleanliness and the deep rolling tones of the shore to be counter pointed by the crisp tattoo of the rain on the balcony.
I'm not where I thought, or hoped, I would be by this point when I started this blog but right now, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I'm closer to where I want to be, and certainly in a better place but I keep making the path ahead of me longer than it needs to be.
Since I put the first post down I've finished my training and require evidence for three sections of units to finish my NVQ – I’ve been trying to get these units signed off since I got up here in Scotland. One of my friends has taken her Chartered Engineer exams (results by Wednesday, good luck!) and another has started the road to his MBA. I’ve completed my CBT, but not the full bike training, nor have I completed my IAM or diving training. I’m still resolutely single (damn it!) but that’s not really a major worry. I’ve made a good number of friends in the mess and am known by many more. I have climbed at least three Munros, with another planned next month for charity (if anyone fancies sponsoring us to climb a fairly major hill, PLEASE visit , it’s for WaterAid, a charity I’ve liked for a while) and I’ve got my accuracy up to 94.7% on my TAFs, which are the basic 9 hour forecasts we produce. If you told someone that the weather forecasts in this country were almost 95% accurate they’d usually laugh you off the stage.
I’ve got back in contact with a couple of friends recently, including Richard, the guy I shared a room with in the first year of Uni, and Danijela, who went to college with use.
I’ve been to a couple of old friends weddings, and missed more; visited friends down south for Halloween and had a brilliant time; spent one New Years camping in the middle of no-where and another on the banks of Loch Ness, climbing, sledging, mountain walking and biking, ice skating and snowboarding. I’ve walked through snow and thistle, in shorts (rarely), kilts (even more rarely) and trousers, under skies clear blue while the sun rises to kiss the mountains with a golden peak, under leaden skies soon to poor rain onto the ground below; I’ve started so early we had to wear head torches to see the way and seen nights so light with the afterglow of the sun that you can read outside at midnight; I’ve walked alone and with friends, with dogs and ice-axes; I’ve slept in winds so strong we’ve prayed for the morning and dreaded the thought of going outside and through all of it, I feel incredibly privileged to be here.
Yeah, there are things I want to do, things I need to do and things I really shouldn’t do, like all of us; for example I’d like to see more of my friends, but I realised that I am the architect of my regrets and my successes. When I look back again I know that it will be my choices and my actions that will shape whether or not I am happy with the time spent.

So there we are. 100 posts, which works out to under one a week. Still, I think it makes me the most frequently posting of any of my friends (of late anyway). I know none of the 100 posts have exactly been Pulitzer material and most would have bored the pants of anyone reading them but thank you for reading them and I hope that I can find something worthwhile to put up soon.

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