Thursday, May 08, 2008

Family Guy does the Matrix

Almost sprayed drink all over my laptop.

*edit to add*
I'm going to add this to the last post rather than put this onto the 100th post because I'm vain and I want the hundred to be something REALLY good.

So in addition to the 99th, have a look at both the Nine Inch Nails album ( ) for free music, even if you don't like it, download it then delete the recording - think of what you're saying to the recording houses about charging for music if the artist doesn't want it...
Also, listen to Wil Wheaton (Wes Crusher in THG - but don't hold that against him - seriously, he's good!) as the keynote speaker at the PAX 07 meeting from penny-arcade. (Google Pax Wil Wheaton - that's what I did) and listen to his talk. It's worth the time.
Aside from that, Lottie from the base is such a lovely lass, can't see why she thinks of herself as unattractive; wish I could make her believe otherwise (although then she'd never look at a guy like me) but she needs to believe in her own worth and she needs to understand that when she looks into the mirror what she sees is a good thing, not a question mark - as she seems to think she is.
Honestly, she's wonderful, better than the shite she's had to put up with.
Lottie, you're worth better than that arse-hole, give me a call if you can't see how.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Hi James, your old roommate from Swansea here! You know, Richard, that quiet bloke. I didn't see any email addresses around so this is the only way I could see to get in contact.

It's been a looooooooooong time, hasn't it? I did try to get in touch with people a while ago but none of their emails worked.

So, hope you see this and please get back to me!