Friday, August 01, 2008


As promised, here is the cat.

He's called Krusty, has a lack of green wig (sorry Rich, I'll look for one for him while I'm down here!) and he's 17 apparently.
He's also a bit of a shoulder cat....

It's really nice having a work cat, although he does tend to walk across the keyboard at the worst possible time and if you've got any food he's a real pain in the arse!
Some of the aircrew that come in for briefings look to see where Krusty is sleeping before they ask us anything - if he's in his box it'll be wet, if he's on the radiator it'll be cold and if he's being attentive and meowing you've probably got food.

1 comment:

Richard said...

17 is pretty good for a cat, looks like he's probably been in a fair few fights in those years too. I'd watch your fingers if you do get a wig for him.

And isn't it typical, he probably does the least amount of work around there, but he's the first person they go to for a weather forecast.