Monday, June 19, 2006

Just a stub to fill the space..

Aright, just jotting something down to say that I'm still here.
More posts will come up soon, out of sequence but I'll date them to be relevant.
Listening to... "I like it like that" by Pete Rodriguez (the Boogaloo music from the Odeon cinemas) and Stiltskin's "Inside" Rock baby!!!!

Okay, back to the broadband connection (one of those things you never miss until it's gone, like air and sex really... man I need to get out more.)

This one is from 14/06/06

Have to go into HQ for health and safety training. Not hopeful that it will be interesting, thinking most likely it'll just be lifting and carrying, not drinking the mercury in the thermometers and that sort of common sense stuff.
Finished the new Jim Butcher Dresden book last night, it's good. The whole series is good and the character development is brilliant.
Met up with the guys again, as we're all back for the same training, good to see them all again but I ate too much pizza, GOT to be careful with that, need to loose about 7-12 kg in the next 3 months, which I think is possible, I just need to be honest with myself about what I'm eating and doing and not convince myself that "this one doesn't matter" or other such bollocks. Maybe she'll find me more attractive then. Listen to that! Me, concerned about my looks! Ha!
Might say who she is, but not at this time.

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