Tuesday, July 18, 2006

it's a bit warm

Okay, 30 C isn't that hot for some of the people that might be reading this, but for the north of England it's hot. The hottest July day where I am on record is 31.1 C, yesterday we got to 30.6 C. The overall hottest day on record here is 33.5 and it's already 30 C at 1500 L. Tomorrow should be hotter still.
Of course, providing that I pass OASC and get fully into the MMU, I should be going to places where 30 C will feel cool by comparison, but more on that later.
After tomorrow's night shift I'll be going to the gym to try the RAF fitness test again. No actual importance to this one, except that if I can do better (I should) it'll make the guys at head office happier about giving me the chance to continue. I don't want to think too much about the alternative to tell you the truth.
Hell, I REALLY want to do well at this job. It's only a small part of the machine but what a machine!
If anyone wants to try the RAFFT for themselves, it's 8.3 on the beep test (running between two points 20 m apart to a timed beep that starts at 3 mph and increases by 0.5 mph each minute ), then in one minute do 13 press-ups with a perfectly flat body (no arse in the air) down to a fists height above the surface, then in another minute do 31 sit-ups with knees bent at 90 deg and someone leaning on your feet, rising to have your elbows over your knees. Now to be honest, I should be able to do this easily, the standards (given here for a male over 25) aren't very high, it's just more than I can do, or could, not sure what I can do at the moment. Couple of days and I'll know though...
Wish me luck, I may yet need it.
Oh and just to wish Jon and Pippa both luck in finding work, one in Australia and one in France.

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